The overarching narrative of self-sufficiency and entitlement has poisoned society, rendering people incapable of accepting imperfection - the very essence of human nature. While this insistence on flawlessness can lead to a degree of self-awareness, it also creates an insidious belief that any fault in a fellow human is toxic, a harbinger of danger. This expectation is not only unrealistic, but it also leaves no one good enough for anyone, contributing to an epidemic of loneliness and depression. The only ones who can claim true happiness are those who embrace the imperfections of others and learn to adjust to their idiosyncrasies, seeing the positive in their quirks instead of dwelling on their shortcomings. But beware, conditioning your mind to consider every imperfection as a warning sign is itself a red flag, a warning that you may be the source of your own discontent.
10/07/21 Red Flags, Red Flags
Updated: Apr 28, 2023