The mere act of signifying your feelings towards something is akin to a damning pronouncement, a judgment that declares the unworthiness of the subject to have those feelings attached to it. To love something is to admit its unlovability, to care for something is to acknowledge its lack of worthiness, and to cherish something is to imply that it is inherently un-cherishable.
It is a cruel paradox, this manifestation of the human heart's inability to simply love without reservation or hesitation. For in the very act of loving, we also denigrate that which we claim to cherish. It is as if we are unable to conceive of anything truly worthy of our emotions, and so we must create a narrative of unworthiness in order to justify our attachment.
And yet, we continue to love, to care, to cherish, despite the inherent contradiction at the heart of these feelings. We are drawn to the flawed and the broken, the unworthy and the unlovable. Perhaps it is because we see ourselves reflected in these objects of our affection, and in loving them, we love ourselves.
Or perhaps it is simply because we are incapable of doing anything else. We are creatures of emotion, bound by the whims of our hearts and the desires of our souls. And so we love, not because it is logical or rational, but because it is who we are.